
Presenting Sponsor - $20,000

Your company name/logo will be included in the event logo and on all promotional materials. You’ll get 4 foursomes for the Friday Corporate Tournament as well as 25 tickets for Open Play to share with your employees and/or customers. Plus, you’ll get 40 tickets to the private sponsor party on Thursday evening including grazing stations and a cash bar.

Open Play Sponsor - $10,000

Your company name/logo will be included in all promotional materials regarding Open Play on Friday evening and all-day Saturday as well as 100 passes to share with your employees and/or customers. You’ll also get 4 foursomes in Friday’s Corporate Tournament and 20 tickets to the private sponsor party on Thursday night.

Front or Back Sponsor - $7,500

Your company name/logo will be included on signage at your choice of the start of the Front 9 or Back 9 during the Friday Corporate Tournament and all Open Play dates/times. Plus, you’ll get 2 foursomes for the Friday Corporate Tournament, 25 tickets for Open Play and 10 tickets to the private sponsor party on Thursday night.

Birdie Sponsor - $5,000

Receive recognition on the Epilepsy Center website, social media and at the event as well as 2 foursomes for Friday’s Corporate Tournament, 25 tickets for Open Play and 8 tickets to the private sponsor party on Thursday night.

Par Sponsor - $3,000

Your company name/logo will be prominently displayed near the DJ for the entire weekend. You’ll also receive 2 foursome for the Friday Corporate Tournament, 15 tickets for Open Play and 6 tickets to the private sponsor party on Thursday night.

Flame Sponsor - $2,000

Receive recognition on the Epilepsy Center website, social media and at the event as well as 2 foursomes for Friday’s Corporate Tournament, 10 tickets for Open Play and 4 tickets to the private sponsor party on Thursday night.

Hole Sponsor - $500

Signage at the hole you’ve sponsored and one foursome for the Friday Corporate Tournament.

Foursome - $250

Bring three friends, co-workers are clients and network with other local business leaders.