Representative Payee Services
The Epilepsy Center of Northwest Ohio offers Payee Services. This service enables an individual to have his or her financial obligations managed when they can no longer do so for themselves or when they have no other person to take on this necessity. An individual’s income benefits are carefully monitored so that debts are paid in a timely manner.*
The current financial benefit received by the individual must be transferred to the Epilepsy Center to become their Representative Payee. This is usually their Social Security or Veteran’s benefits. After processing the appropriate paperwork, that agency will name the Epilepsy Center as payee and the financial benefit will come directly to us. We provide the service to make this payee transition, if needed. A checking account is opened in the client’s name and all financial obligations can be redirected to our Center via regular mail or fax for payment. Each client can have a monthly financial recap available for review, if so desired.

To ensure that each client’s needs are adequately processed, the Epilepsy Center has adopted the following policy for how obligations are prioritized:
- Basic needs are paid first; These will include, but are not limited to, food, shelter, utilities and clothing
- Medical and dental needs not covered by the client’s health insurance; subsequent utilities such as cable or internet
- Personal needs such a recreation/entertainment, magazine subscriptions and other non-life-sustaining items.
*Please note, the Epilepsy Center Payee Services will not pay any financial obligations unless cleared funds are available in the client’s account.
The client must be responsible for any delay or late charges because liquid funds were not available.